See our detailed answers to FAQs from the public, schools, families, doctors, and researchers in our book Dyslexia Dissolved: Successful Cases of Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Language Disorders.
1. Right Program
a. How do I know that Dysolve® AI is right for my child?
Dysolve® AI deals with basic brain processes that support language, learning, and thinking. In 99% of the children we meet, their problems with schoolwork and behavior are due to inefficiencies in these processes. Processing inefficiencies may affect behavior and the body (e.g., meltdowns, headaches). Dysolve® AI is thus the logical starting point to resolve the problem.
To find out whether your student has dyslexia, sign up to get Dysolve® AI to evaluate. Dyslexia is due to language processing difficulties. After about 2-3 weeks, for 15-30 min/day, preferably 3-5 days/week, you will get an Evaluation Report showing risk levels for key indices important for literacy development.
2. How it Works
a. How does Dysolve® AI work?
See how Dysolve® AI works and how we’ve helped students in the past: How Dysolve® AI Corrected Dyslexia (5 min.)
3. Age
a. Is my child too young/old for Dysolve® AI?
No. Dysolve® AI customizes evaluation and intervention specifically for each person. Pre-K children may need adult help with online games.
b. Does Dysolve® AI work for older students?
Yes, many of our students are in middle and high school. That is because they went through the primary grades without getting any efficacious intervention. Dysolve® AI works well for older students.
Our book Dyslexia Dissolved: Successful Cases of Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Language Disorders contains cases from middle school. Former students are now in high school or college and talking to the press about their remarkable transformation: Dysolve.com/press – GBH, Times Union, CBS 6 News, WRRD, Spectrum 1 News.
c. Does Dysolve® AI work for adults?
We do have adults in the program at all ages. Dysolve® AI has succeeded in correcting processing difficulties in adults in their 20s within a year.
We do not have sufficient historical data to confirm Dysolve’s efficacy for adults in older age groups. In any case, adults may also be able to find out whether they have language processing difficulties. An Evaluation Report is generated after 2-3 weeks following signup. It indicates the areas and degrees of processing difficulties, while the detailed results on the server form the blueprint for intervention, should you continue.
4. Language
a. Which language does Dysolve® AI use?
Dysolve® AI is currently only available in English. If your child can speak and understand English, your child can use Dysolve® AI.
b. Can second language learners use Dysolve® AI?
Yes, if the student can speak and understand English, she can use Dysolve® AI. Dysolve® AI is designed to clear language processing difficulties.
Historically, struggling learners who used Dysolve® AI reported that when their reading improved in English, they were able to function well in their second language classes as well.
If your student has problems with reading or language in general, Dysolve® AI would be a good place to start.
c. Will Dysolve® AI be offered in other languages?
Yes, that’s the plan.
5. Tutoring
a. My child has difficulty reading. Shouldn’t I start with tutoring?
No. Reading involves many brain processes. Problems with any of these processes will affect reading. The logical approach is to correct processing problems first before learning to read. Tutoring on phonics, spelling, vocabulary, or reading is not effective otherwise. Worse, tutoring at this point can harm your child’s attitude, motivation, and sense of self-worth—when your child works hard during tutoring but still continues to fail in school.
b. Is Dysolve® AI a tutoring program?
Dysolve® AI is not a tutoring program with lesson plans. Dysolve® AI is a computer expert system that evaluates a student’s brain processes, identifies processing inefficiencies, and corrects them. These processing inefficiencies lead to reading and learning difficulties.
This is explained from multiple perspectives in the media: Dysolve.com/press and in this video: What to Expect from Dysolve® AI (6 min.)
It is the first time that any intervention can get to brain processing. Only after this correction is the student ready for skills learning (spelling, reading)—at which point tutoring may be used.
6. Compare Programs
a. How does Dysolve® AI compare with other providers?
For evaluations:
No other provider has the expertise and technology
to get to Dysolve’s level of specificity. Neuropsychological evaluations
cost about USD5,000+ in the US and aren’t blueprints for intervention, but
Dysolve® AI evaluations are. Screeners are short tests indicating dyslexia
risk but don’t diagnose.
For interventions:
In the US, some dyslexia/reading specialists
charge USD10,000 for 6 weeks of instruction. Online programs address some
aspects of spelling or reading. With these interventions, students with
dyslexia generally stay below reading proficiency throughout school. In
contrast, Dysolve® AI students reach grade-level proficiency within 1-2
years. 100% of Dysolve® AI users who complied fully with the program
reached this goal.
b. How is Dysolve® AI different?
No other method or program has succeeded in getting struggling readers to read on grade level consistently after 3rd grade.
Dysolve® AI is new and has corrected dyslexia in individuals. See Dysolve.com/press – GBH, CBS, Fox Carolina, Times Union, Spectrum.
This 5-min. video explains how Dysolve® AI is the only program that can locate an individual’s specific processing difficulties to correct them: How Dysolve® AI Corrected Dyslexia
Dysolve® AI has the unique capability to generate new games just for that person because of our advanced, patented technology. No other program can do that.
Our book describes the expected trajectory of students in our program: Dyslexia Dissolved: Successful Cases of Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Language Disorders
7. Results
a. What are Dysolve® AI’s results?
Dysolve® AI’s efficacy can be seen in several forms:
Clinical trial
2022-2025 independently evaluated by the University of Delaware’s
Center for Research in Education and Social Policy. Preliminary results show positive effect on reading in
state/standardized tests. (Effect is not statistically significant yet
because the target sample size has not been reached.) No other
rigorously designed, replicable study (randomized controlled trial) of
grade 3+ with n=100+ diverse sample has shown significant positive
effect in broad reading achievement.
Pilot studies in NY, PA and AZ. Dysolve® AI students advanced above the
25-30th percentile (dyslexia threshold) in standardized reading tests to
reach the 50th+ in 1-2 years, regardless of age. In the US, after Grade
3, failing readers using other methods generally stay below the 50th
throughout school.
Case studies. Former students describe how Dysolve® AI cleared their
– see GBH, CBS, Fox, Times Union, Spectrum.
This student used Dysolve® AI to clear her reading difficulties within a year: GBH/NPR Podcast
Within a year of using Dysolve® AI, Megan C. went from struggling in reading and math to achieving Honors: Message from Megan C., NY (5 min.)
Our book explains the behaviors and changes that you may see: Dyslexia Dissolved: Successful Cases of Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Language Disorders
8. Guarantees
a. What can you guarantee?
You will know whether your child has the language processing problems that underlie dyslexia. You will know why your child has dyslexia and how to get it corrected. The biggest factor for success in Dysolve® AI is your child’s willingness to follow the program fully.
9. Free Version
a. Can I test the program first before I sign up my child?
This is not feasible. Your user experience would be different from your student’s because Dysolve® AI responds to each person’s game responses to build new games in real-time. Dysolve® AI games are not premade, waiting for anyone to play them. Dysolve® AI games are single-use, specifically generated for each student in response to identified processing issues–this is patented, advanced AI technology.
b. Can I get a free trial?
There is no free trial version. Every student gets an individually customized, specially built program from Dysolve® AI. This is not possible with any other product. Dysolve® AI uses the most advanced technology and is very expensive to develop and maintain. Compared to the life-changing possibilities that Dysolve® AI made possible for past users, the cost of the program was negligible to them.
c. I can’t afford the program. What can I do?
Please contact your school to see whether it can cover the subscription fee for your student. The federal IDEA Act requires schools to provide a free and appropriate education to every student with a disability. Your state may also have dyslexia laws mandating support services.
10. Outside USA
a. Can I use Dysolve® AI outside the US?
At this time Dysolve® AI is generally only available in the US. But do contact us and we will keep your contact information and reach out once it becomes available in your country.
1. Signup
a. How do I sign up?
Go to the Signup page: Dysolve.com/sign-up. If you need assistance, call 844-DYSOLVE (397-6583).
2. Payment Plan
a. What is the contract like? What is the commitment?
This is a month-to-month subscription with no long-term commitment. You may cancel at any time. See Terms of Use and Terms of Service.
But note that past students took an average of 1.5 years to clear their reading/learning difficulties. At the very least, you may want to know the source of your student’s reading problem. In the first 2-3 weeks after signup, Dysolve® AI generates an Evaluation Report about the processing difficulties found. After the evaluation, you can decide whether to continue into training.
b. Should I choose the Basic Plan or the Premium?
We recommend the Basic Plan as it meets the needs of most students in the program. Instead of $222/month, the discounted rate for the Basic plan during a limited promotion is only $100/month.
c. Isn’t this program too expensive?
Not at all. Dysolve® AI is comparatively at the low end of pricing for dyslexia services despite its unique capability and efficacy. See our answer for Compare Programs above.
Dysolve® AI’s cost is negligible compared to that incurred by unresolved reading and learning difficulties. Students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia drop out of high school at 3 times the typical rate. Adults with college degrees earn about $1 million more than those without over their lifetime.
1. Getting Started
a. What do I need to set up?
Desktop, laptop or Chromebook. Chrome browser. No downloads or installs. Use a wired headset if the room is noisy.
b. Is there any orientation training?
No. Dysolve® AI is plug and play. Each game has a How to Play button. Turn up the volume for audio instructions.
c. Is there anything I should do before starting?
Please watch this with your student to ensure success: Dysolve® Triangle of Success (3 min.)
d. Is there a user’s manual?
You only need this 3-page flyer for troubleshooting if you encounter technical problems. Note log in and log off instructions before starting. You can also access this flyer from your Parent Dashboard.
e. How does Dysolve® AI work?
Students log into their accounts at Dysolve.com and play each game presented. The games feed important information about the user to the AI system. The AI system uses this information to build new game activities. The student just plays game after game, from Evaluation to Training. Dysolve® AI will deliver different types of games accordingly.
2. Expectations
a. What can I expect in Dysolve® AI?
What to Expect from Dysolve® AI (6 min.) – user experience
b. What does my child have to do in Dysolve® AI?
Log in for at least 15 mins/day, preferably 5 days/wk to play Dysolve® AI games.
c. We just started. Is my student doing it correctly? I can’t tell.
Your student is being evaluated presently. No answers or feedback will be given during evaluation. The recommended gameplay time is 15-30 min./day, 3-5 days/wk. After about 2-3 weeks, an Evaluation Report is generated and Training begins.
Corrective feedback is given during Training. Just tell your student to do his best. Dysolve® AI knows what to do throughout to identify his processing strengths and weaknesses.
d. How soon can I see improvements?
That depends on the scope and severity of your child’s problem, other co-occurring conditions, and practice. Achieving 90-100% efficiency in language processing will take time, but past students showed improvements around 4-6 months with weekly practice, often in spelling first.
If your student is 10 years old, her brain has been operating this way for 10 years. Now Dysolve® AI is going to change how it functions. This takes time. Changes in the brain usually remain latent for the first several months before behavioral changes become overt on the surface.
Please be patient. It takes time for the brain to change: Speech/Language Pathology Specialist describes improvements in family members
e. What can I do to support my student in Dysolve®?
Please fill out a 5-min. survey to track behavioral and learning improvements (REPORTS tab from your Parent Dashboard). Do this at the start of the program and every 6 months thereafter.
Also, please send us your school records so we can track improvements at school: state and quarterly test scores for reading/ELA and math-–before using Dysolve® AI and every term thereafter.
Ensure that your student is practicing 15-30 min/day, 3-5 days/wk. Work out a reward system to motivate.
f. Does the Dysolve® AI program conflict with my child’s school and other programs?
No. Dysolve® AI works at a deeper level—on brain processes. Other programs and the school curriculum work on skills or content.
h. Do I have to pay for anything besides the monthly subscription?
The Dysolve® Sounds and Spelling Manual is the only supplementary material to purchase and is optional. The cost is $70 including shipping and handling. To order, email [email protected].
3. Practice Time
a. How long should my student play the games?
We recommend 15-30 min/day, 3-5 days/wk. You may set a fixed time during the initial Evaluation. But after this in Training, your student should not log off in the middle of a game. Finish the game before logging off. Otherwise Dysolve® AI will take your student back to the same game the next time.
b. Can my student play for longer to get faster results?
We recommend 15-30 min/day, 3-5 days/wk. Some students do 2 sessions a day. But the brain needs time to reorganize.
4. Reports
a. How do I get the Evaluation Report?
You may view the Evaluation Report from your Parent Dashboard.
b. Why can’t I see anything in the Progress Report?
The Progress Report will display after about another month of regular gameplay following the Evaluation Report, when there is sufficient data.
5. Plan Features
a. What is the difference between Basic and Premium Plans? What is Live Assistance?
The Basic Plan includes 15 minutes a month of Live Assistance. Live Assistance is provided by Customer Support or Tech Support.
The Premium Plan in addition includes 45 minutes a month of consultation with a Consultant. You may switch plans at any time.
b. How do I update my credit card information?
Please update your credit card from your Parent Dashboard. If you need assistance, call 844-DYSOLVE.
c. Can I cancel anytime?
Yes. Your subscription is month by month unless you chose the 3-, 6- or 12-month payment plan.
6. Tech Support
a. How do I get Tech Support?
Email [email protected], message us from the Contact page, or call 844-DYSOLVE. Tech Support will send you a response within 24-48 hours.
7. Phonics
a. Does Dysolve® AI cover phonics?
Yes, among other areas of language processing important for literacy development.
b. Why is Dysolve’s phonics instruction different from others?
Dysolve® AI answers are based on Articulatory Phonetics of contemporary American English and phonetic transcriptions of the words in question. They are also based on 30+ years of fieldwork on the population with language processing issues, including phonological processing, and Phonological Acquisition across typical and exceptional populations.
8. Skills Learning/Instruction
a. Is there any instruction in Dysolve®?
Dysolve® AI provides video instruction and sends notifications about doing particular worksheets in the Dysolve® Sounds and Spelling Manual when your student is ready for each part. Before that, the focus is exclusively on improving brain processing.
b. Don’t students need explicit instruction?
All the other Dysolve® students cleared their processing issues without explicit instruction. Games are designed to get your student to recognize linguistic units and patterns, among others, automatically. Explicit instruction may instead interfere with this natural acquisition.
c. Why don’t you teach spelling right away?
Phonological acquisition of the basic units in natural languages has to occur first. Then only comes formal learning of phoneme-grapheme correspondences. Once phonological processing proceeds efficiently, a Dysolve® student learns spelling rules. Historically, this second phase does not take long for our students.
9. Reading
a. Is Dysolve® a reading program?
No, Dysolve® is a language processing program that enables students to clear their reading difficulties.
b. Does Dysolve® AI improve reading fluency?
Dysolve® AI’s focus is on improving language processing efficiency, the most foundational level of functioning, so that eventually global skills like reading can be acquired effectively. Fluent reading requires automaticity, and automaticity in reading involves many complex processes.
c. Does Dysolve® AI improve reading comprehension?
When language can be processed automatically and efficiently, mental resources can be used efficiently for global tasks like reading comprehension. Dysolve® AI’s target is 90-100% efficiency.
One indication of Dysolve® AI’s effect on reading comprehension is that former students see substantial gains in state and standardized reading assessments, which measure this. See the cases in our book Dyslexia Dissolved: Successful Cases of Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Language Disorders.
10. Dysolve® AI Games/Program
a. My child is struggling in Dysolve®. Aren’t the games too hard?
No. Students who need Dysolve® AI to help them improve on brain processing are expected to struggle through the program. The good news is that this means Dysolve® AI found your student’s weak spots. Dysolve® games cover basic language processes, which have to run efficiently for us to function as speakers, listeners, readers and writers.
The students before yours also struggled through the program. This student overcame his difficulty: Message from High School Student
This Speech/Language Pathology Specialist explains why students would struggle in an effective program: How family members improved in Dysolve
As the games are brief, you may start with just a few minutes of gameplay at first and gradually lengthen the time. Even when the student logs out before completing a game, the exposure still matters. But eventually get to the target of about 30 min/day, 3-5 days/wk.
b. Aren’t the games too repetitive?
Dysolve® AI is designed to correct brain processing so as to clear reading/learning difficulties. To do this, it has to sweep through problem areas meticulously and continuously to ensure that processing inefficiencies have indeed been cleared satisfactorily.
This is similar to physical therapy. Therapy involves working on the same activities daily to effect changes incrementally.
But note that Dysolve® AI does not present the same exact activity repeatedly. The words or some other feature may change from game to game. This is because Dysolve® AI is collecting different types of data from your student every time. Only the gameskin (artwork seen on the screen) may remain the same, but the activity is actually different at every session.
c. Can you make the games more exciting for my child?
Because Dysolve® students have processing difficulties, the games are designed to minimize processing load. This is why special effects are kept to a minimum in Dysolve® games, unlike recreational games.
To encourage your student to persist, work out a reward system if you have not done so. Please share with your student a former student’s message: How Dysolve® Games Helped Me
d. Aren’t the games too childish for my older student?
The look of the game is merely the artwork on the screen. The games merely serve as the channel for collecting important information about your student’s brain processing. We have adult users of Dysolve® AI, and they recognize the importance of the underlying mechanisms v. the artwork.
e. My child can’t do it and is simply hitting keys randomly. Can Dysolve® AI tell?
Dysolve® AI is designed for the targeted population and is responsive to their behavioral tendencies. If needed, Dysolve® AI will determine that the pattern of responses do not fully reflect the student’s actual ability.
Nevertheless, please try to get your student to do their best at each session as the system needs to set the student’s baseline accurately.
To encourage your student to persist, work out a reward system. Please share with your student a former student’s message: How Dysolve® Games Helped Me
11. Cancelation
a. My child doesn’t want to do Dysolve®. What can I do?
If you have not done so, have a talk with your child about why she is in the program. Does she understand what the goals are and what is at stake? The benefits include doing well at school, reducing homework time to leave more time for other things, and possibly improving social and personal relations and mental health.
Other students before her have persevered and are now enjoying these benefits: Dysolve.com/press – see GBH, CBS, Fox, Times Union, Spectrum.
What are her goals in life? Are they harder or impossible to attain due to her current condition?
To encourage your student to persist, work out a reward system. Please share with your student a former student’s message: How Dysolve® Games Helped Me
Share with your child the children’s stories of their transformation: Dyslexia Dissolved: Successful Cases with Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Language Disorders
b. How do I cancel my account?
Call 844-DYSOLVE, email [email protected], or message us from the Contact page.
What comes after Dysolve® AI?
For dyslexia or language disability, these are the logical steps:
- Identify processing issues
- Correct processing issues
- Intensively correct remaining issues
- Learn to spell correctly
- Learn to read fluently
- Learn to write effectively
Dysolve® AI focuses on 1-3, and part of 4. After Dysolve® AI, a student may catch up with reading and writing with the aid of an instructor. But many of our students take steps 5-6 on their own, because learning is no longer an issue after Dysolve® AI.
For math disability, the student would start with steps 1-3, followed by these:
- Learn arithmetic operations and basic math facts
- Increase speed of computation
- Learn grade-level math