Dysolve Dissolves Dyslexia with AI-Based Gaming
Dyslexia is a language-processing condition that affects reading, clinical linguist Dr. Coral Hoh explains to Pharma & Health Insider.
About 20% of the population has dyslexia, according to numerous sources, but Dr. Hoh points out that language-processing issues extend beyond just the overt form of reading to also encompass speaking, listening and writing.
That said, this is a major problem, with a huge potential audience for anyone who can solve — or, should we say, “dissolve” it.
Enter Dr. Hoh’s solution: Dysolve, an AI-based gaming system aimed at “dissolving dyslexia,” per its tagline.
“If you look at the nation’s report card, two-thirds of students fail to meet reading standards,” notes Dr. Hoh, founder of Dysolve and founder/CEO of its parent company EduNational. “They cannot all be lazy. They cannot all have had poor learning environments.”
Read More: https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/401322/dysolve-dissolves-dyslexia-with-ai-based-gaming.html